Saturday 28 July 2012

Cabbage Tree Point

Went back to Cabbage Tree Point this morning, arriving well before dawn. My tripod is quite light ( a great travel tripod ) so I use radio triggers with it. This helps to keep everything still for these long exposures. The triggers are quite cheap but work well. I now have four of them to also work with my flash gear. They are Yungnuo RF-603C triggers. I think the C stands for Canon. You can get Nikon ones as well!

The colours were really good about 20 minutes before sunrise. I think this was my best shot.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Southport Spit

Southport Spit has been my latest Saturday morning shoot. I love going down there as every week seems to be different. Arrived in the dark and had some trouble with my gear. Eventually changed to the long lens and got some reasonable shots.

This shot was taken looking south from The Spit. More photos from this morning will be posted on the Ian Marks Photography website.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Photos in travel section

Just uploaded a few photos into two albums in the Travel section. These are from my trip to Europe last year. Check them out at . There are many more to add which I shall do over the weeks ahead!

Keep well.



I'm pleased to announce that I have been able to integrate my blog into Still working on the customisation, but it doesn't look too bad!

Took the photo above at about 5:30 last night. I wanted to have the moon above the flower, as it was the night before, but the moon rose at a different time. I used a wide angle lens and once I had struggled to get the camera and tripod close enough, was able to get the shot.

I'm quite pleased with my result.

Check out my flower gallery on



Tuesday 3 July 2012

Setting up!

Well to the Ian Marks Photography Blog.

I am just in the process of setting up blogger and hope to have it working soon. Watch this space